Miss Bunny
How long have you been a model?
Since I was about 18months (my first published shoot was an editorial photo for a newspaper article about babysitting – awe!)
How did you choose your model name?
It sort of chose me. It was a nickname first that I hadn’t intended to use professionally. At my first strip club audition the club owner decided that my chosen stage name was stupid and announced I would be Bunny like my name plate necklace.
So you’re a fetish model, what else do you do? Act? Play Music? Are you a spy?
My fabulous talents are far too many to name in a reasonable amount of time.(hee hee)
Have you ever seen the sun?
Yes, I was there last week.
Favorite music/band?
My musical taste is really eclectic. I love everything from techno, to punk rock, to 80s dance to electroclash. I get to use a lot of obscure music in my performances.
Favorite movie?
Blade Runner
Favorite food?
Marshmallow peeps, sushi, blizzards from Dairy Queen and green apples. (not all at the same time though)
Turn Ons?
Leather, chocolate, corsetry and making out in public.
Turn Offs?
Impatient lovers, skinny legs and jangly teeth and people who underestimate my intelligence.
Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
Sure I have some of each. *wink*
Drink of Choice?
Chamomile tea or mocha latte
Have you ever killed anyone? If so do you eat what you kill?
No. However if I did kill someone I would seriously consider eating them.
Have you ever kicked a nun?
No, but I have fantasized about it.
Have you ever popped out of a cake?
Actually, yes I have.
What does the future hold for you?
I’m actually returning to school full time in the fall and plan to go to medical school after I finish my degree in Philosophy. So, in a couple of years you will have to address me as Dr. Bunny.
Any plans for an action figure of you? If so, I want one.
I talked seriously with the fine people at Real Doll about life casting my head so that people could buy a real doll that looked exactly like me. I secretly just wanted one myself so I could pretend to molest my own twin though.
When was the last time you danced with the devil?
We have a date later this evening. Meow!
Age: 23
Height: 5’5″
Weight: 125 lbs
Bust: 34D
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Link: MissBunny.com