This photo of a Marvel Shiklah cosplay by Sharon Rose, featured at Baltimore Comic Con, takes the cake for most active background. Blurred green, white, and black enhance the costume colors and isolate the purple in the bodice and eye makeup. I really love the graffiti on the gun and the large, textured horns, as well as the blue lipstick and notes of gold in the earrings and necklace. Graphic designer Alemm1 did a marvelous job with the photo, which admittedly has a lot going on in it—but the end result is a picture that is maximally engaging, not overwhelming in the least.
I love this photo of my Shiklah cosplay (holding my hubbypool’s gun!) by @alemm1 – check out his page and give him some love, all his photos and designs are brilliant!! #shiklah #shiklahcosplay #deadpool #succubus #bug #queenoftheundead #mrsdeadpool #cosplay